Saturday, December 31, 2011

About My Introduction

My introduction was actually a short autobiography of my life that I had presented to the manager of a book store where I was hoping to have my poetry displayed. The original version of the autobiography was worded totally different from what you see to the right of this page. Tia McCollors who is the mother of one of the students in the pre-k-4 classroom where I worked as a paraprofessional, and an award winning author of several books, edited my autobiography for me, or should I say rewrote it for me.

When I first read it I couldn't say anything but, "wow, how did you do that". She totally transformed my words. I wanted to mention this because I am so grateful to her for editing that autobiography for me and for showing me what real writing looks like. I attended one of her work shops and it was very informative. From time to time she would get on me about consistency with my writing and she highly recommended that anyone, especially a writer should read several kinds of books to enhance his /her views.

It's not showing yet in my writing, but I'm going to be that great of a writer one day soon. I think I still have the original version of that autobiography, If I do I may post it soon, just so that you can see the difference. Thanks Mrs. McCollors I will never forget how you helped me.

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